Broken Wrist to Going Broke: How a wrist injury could have ruined my business.

Recently I injured my wrist and was originally told it was a fracture which could need a cast or in severe cases even surgery. Thankfully after a second set of x-rays it was determined that it was a bad sprain and I would only need to rest it and do some exercises. But can you imagine the panic I went through thinking my wrist on my dominant hand was broken for 6 days. I use my hands daily to create products for my business, to film and edit content, to type up listings, and respond to various emails and dms. I was already struggling with the removable splint I was told to wear and was scared about what the next steps would be in recovery.

The hardest part about this was the realization that without full use of my hand, what I would be able to do for my business was drastically limited. Even though I immediately started thinking of ways of how I could still create with some tools to help me, I may not have been able to even properly put my mask on to use resin or get the caps off the bottles. I am at my core a problem solver but for some things you just need two hands or some help.

All of that to say I need to revamp how I have my business structured. I can no longer rely on hand made products alone. I need to feel secure that if I were injured or unable to do the day to day that my business would survive. That means adding more passive income streams. For example, offering products I don’t have to make myself such as merchandise or prints and offering recorded classes.

This event may be the push I needed to expand. I have journals full of notes on how I want to be able to do more and offer more of what I am passionate about such as teaching. I show my process because I love being a part of how you learn to do what I do. Offering a full step by step class would give me the chance to explain that process in depth and provide you with resources to help you along the way.

I will be working diligently behind the scenes to solidify my business and be able to bring you more. As always, I welcome your suggestions.

Trying to stay positive with my splint.


Epoxy and Walnut Table